- Poor post harvest handling techniques.Farmers have little or unlimited knowldege on how to handle their produce when in the garden and even after harvesting.Farmers lack good storage facilities and the whole produce end up being destroyed by pests and diseases.,some harvest fruits using sticks and thus destroy majority of them,when transporting the produce especially fresh produce,they sit on them and by the time farmers reach in the markert 30%is destroyed.
- Lack of collective marketing strateggy;In our country Uganda farmers sell their agricultural produce individually and middle men tend to take advantage of this and offer the lowest price even not reaching aquarter of what afarmer invested.If farmers would collect their produc together ,look or hire transport and take to the markert by selecting reperesentatives or even decide on which day to sell their produce as farmers they wouldnt be facing the problem of middle men.
- Majority of farmers do not want to take up organic agriculture but want to continue using chemicals even where its not neccessary.use of chemicals increases production costs yet organic products are more costly than non-organic products.high use of chemicals makes the farmer not make high profits,this is because alot of inestement has been put to chemicals.
- Poor management practices ; management practices like weeding ,pest and disease contorl ,primary and secondary cultivation ,drainage channels ,staking and others will lead to high yileds once amangement practice is missed and is neccessary then as afarmer you will not get what you desrved to get.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Farmers invest alot in agriculture especially when it comes to production but obtain the least income after markerting,one can ask him or her self why?There are many reasons that lead to this;
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